CT versions
The Common Terminology (CT) version 1.1 is updated. The updated CT version 1.1 changes or omits few unnecessary qualifiers of version 1.1. These changes are based on analyses of CT usage used in conversions from Europeana, DPLA, National Library of Korea, Harvard and MIT metadata records on January 18, 2017 by Boaz Sunyoung Jin.
06/01/14 CT 1.0 is updated into 1.1 to solve the semantic error that points the same for ‘other’ sub-properties of different properties in rdfs graph. Thus, in ‘format’ property, sub-property ‘other’ has deleted. In ‘date’ property, ‘other’ sub-property has changed into ‘dateOther.’ In ‘description’ property, ‘other’ has changed into ‘descriptionOther.’ In ‘identifier’ property, ‘other’ has changed into ‘identifierOther.’ Modified by Boaz Sunyoung Jin, and supervised by Professor David Dubin and Dean Linda Smith of Graduate School of Library and Information Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Current CT version 1.1
- The updated CT version 1.1 (2016-Jan. 2017)
- Old CT version 1.1 (2014)
The updated CT version 1.1 Schemas
- ct1-1.xsd: CT XML Schema version 1.1 (pdf)
- ct1-1.rdf: CT RDF Schema version 1.1 (pdf)
The updated CT version 1.1 SKOS concept
The updated CT version 1.1 Crosswalks
The updated CT version 1.1 SKOS Crosswalks
The Changes of Current CT version 1.1
The Common Terminology (CT) version 1.1 is upgraded. The updated CT version 1.1 changes or omits few unnecessary qualifiers of version 1.1. These changes are based on analyses of CT usage used in conversions from EDM of Europeana, MAP of DPLA, National Library of Korea, Harvard and MIT metadata records. Also, it is to adapt and embrace metadata standards (e.g., MAP of DPLA , EDM of Europeana, National Library of Korea’s MODS, Harvard’s Library Cloud, and MIT library’s QDC) and forms (json, rdf, xlsx, cvs, and xml) of cooperating organizations. Especially, few terms to describe administrative information of MAP and EDM are added changing existing qualifiers’ terms. The detail of the changes are the following.
The omitted qualifiers are:
- contributor/role/orderedauthors
- description/authentication
- description/thesis: it is merged into description as a narrow match
- identifier/nationalBibliographyNumber
- rights/ holder: it is merged into rights as a narrow match
- title/uniform
The changed qualifiers are:
- using ‘type’ instead of ‘name’ for personal, corporation or meeting of contributor such as contributor type=”personal” instead of name=”personal.”
- title type=’key” is changed into type=”part”, in order to describe partnumber and partname of title.
- relation type=”constituent” is changed into type=”hasPart”, which is more generalized with common terms.
- identifier type=”ismn” is changed into type=”object”, because dpla in json form and europeana in rdf form use ‘object’ for each record.
- /mods/physicalDescription/reformattingQuality is added into ct:format, because reformatting quality “Indicates an overall assessment of the physical quality of an electronic resource in relation to its intended use (MODS).”
The developed Common Terminology is defined as a set of 12 Common Terms (property) and 53 qualifiers (subproperty) with CTScheme. The Common Terms are especially common element names of widely used metadata schemas (e.g., MARC, MODS, DC & QDC). 12 Common Terms (propertyes) are contributor, date,description, format, identifier,language, publisher, relation, rights, subject, title, and typeGenre. CTScheme is a controlled set of values that are specific to Common Terminology, including authorities, and Syntax Encoding Scheme and Vocabulary Encoding Scheme of DCMI. CTScheme includes CTTypeGenre, CTFormat, CTRelator, CTLanguage, CTDescription, CTIdentifier, and CTSubject.
In addition, this version has a possibility to be upgraded in order to become friendly for Linked Open Data. Therefore, more upgraded details will be coming soon.
CT usage
CT usage is measured to find out which terms are not used and unnecessary in use in the converted records into CT from the provided original metadata records: Metadata Application Profile(MAP) of DPLA, Library of cloud dataset of Harvard, QDC of MIT, MODS of National Library of Korea, and EDM of Europeana. The pink lines in the below ctusage.pdf show no used qualifiers that are omitted in the upgraded CT version 1.1.
[gview file=”http://ct.iopdl.org/1.1/ctusage.pdf” save=”1″]
The old version CT 1.1
CT documentation for version 1.1 is CT version 1.1 or CommonTerminology1-1(0ld).pdf.
- Common Terms are CommonTerms1-1(old).
- CT version 1.1 schema in XML is ct.xsd or ct1-1(old).xsd.
- CT version 1.1 schema in RDF` is ct.rdf or ct1-1(old).rdf.
CT version 1.1 in SKOS is ctskos.rdf or ctskos1-1(old).rdf.
The diagram of the Common Terminology 1.1 is in CT Diagram 1.1 or CT Diagram 1.1.
Prior Version CT 1.0
- CT version 1.0 schema in XML form is ct.xsd or ct1-0.xsd.
- CT version 1.0 schema in RDF` form is ct.rdf or ct1-0.rdf.
- CT documentation for version 1.0 is CT version 1.0 or CommonTerminology.pdf.